

  • Assistant Professor, Department of IT, Faculty of Computers and IT, Taif University, SA, 2023 _ Present.
  • Lecturer, Department of IT, Faculty of Computers and IT, Taif University, SA, 2014 _ 2023.
  • Member in Scientific Research Group, Image and text mining research group, Department of IT, College of Computers and IT, 2015 _ 2016.
  • Member in Schedule Committee, College of Computers and IT, Taif University, SA, 2015_2016,
  • Coordinator of the Information Technology Department, Department of IT, College of Computers and IT, Taif University, SA, 2015-2016.
  • Trainer in Academic Research Skills Workshop, Big Sister Little Sister Campaign, Department of IT, College of Computers and IT, Taif University, SA, 2014.
  • Trainer in Writing a Scientific Paper Workshop, 6th Scientific Conference Preparation, Dep. of IT, College of Computers and IT, Taif University, SA, 2014.


Teaching Experience

  • Capstone Project 1 & 2
  • Data Warehouse 
  • IT in Organizations 
  • Computer System Security 
  • Computer Programming 1 & 2 (C++)
  • Data Structure (C++)
  • Introduction to Programming (Visual Basic)
  • Introduction to Information Systems
  • Object Oriented Programming (Java)
  • Database Management Systems (Oracle)
  • Web Systems (HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL)



Doctor of Philosophy, the University of Sydney, Australia 2018 _ 2022 AD

  • School of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering
  • Thesis: Deep Learning in Chest Radiography: From Report Labeling to Image Classification.
  • Supervisors: Dr Josiah Poon and Dr. Vera Chung

Master of Information Technology, the University of Canberra, Australia 2012 AD

  • College of Information Sciences and Engineering.
  • Honoured by the Saudi Arabia Culture Mission in Australia 2012 AD.
  • Honoured by the Dean of the College of Information Sciences and Engineering for high academic achievement.

Bachelor of Information Technology, the University of Newcastle, Australia 2008 AD

  • Placed on the College Commendation List 2007 – College of Science and Information Technology.
  • Honoured by the Saudi Arabia Culture Mission in Australia 2007 AD
  • Placed on QUT International College Director’s List, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia 2005 AD.
  • Certificate of Scholarship, Education Placement Service, Brisbane, AUS 2005 AD.



  • Testimony of Appreciation for Outstanding Electronic Courses, E-Learning and Distance Education Deanship, Taif University, Saudi Arabia 2015 AD.
  • Certificate in General Aptitude Test for University Graduates, Result: among the top 5% of examined students, SA 2013 AD.
  • Certificate of Attendance, Commercial Video Development – Live Event, the University of Sydney, Australia 2012 AD.
  • Certificate of Attendance, Australian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, the University of Wollongong, Australia 2012 AD.



  • M. M. A. Monshi, J. Poon, and V. Chung, ‘Distributed Deep Learning for Multi-Label Chest Radiography Classification’. In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications – vol. 4: VISAPP, pages 949-956, 2022. [Paper] [Code] 
  • M. M. A. Monshi, J. Poon, V. Chung and F. M. Monshi, ‘Labeling Chest X-Ray Reports Using Deep Learning,’ International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Springer, pp. 684–694, 2021. [Paper] [Code]
  • M. M. A. Monshi, J. Poon, V. Chung, and F. M. Monshi, CovidXrayNet: Optimizing Data Augmentation and CNN Hyperparameters for Improved COVID-19 Detection from CXR,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 133, no. 0010-4825, p. 104375, 2021. [Paper] [Code]
  • M. A. Monshi, J. Poon, and V. Chung, “Deep learning in generating radiology reports: A survey,” Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, p. 101878, 2020. [Paper]
  • M. A. Monshi, J. Poon, and V. Chung, “Convolutional Neural Network to Detect Thorax Diseases from Multi-view Chest X-Rays,” in International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp. 148-158: Springer, 2019. [Paper] [Code]
  • M. M. A. Monshi, “Documents Classification Based on Text and Image Features,” in Mining Multimedia Documents, W. Karaa and N. Dey, Eds.: CRC Press, 2017. [Paper]


Voluntary Works:

  • Reviewer, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 2024.
  • Reviewer, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Slovakia 2021
  • Member of the European Neural Network Society (ENNS), 2021
  • Session Chair, Convolutional Neural Networks Session, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Australia 2019
  • Reviewer, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Australia 2019
  • Member of the Evaluation Committee, Big Sister Little Sister Campaign, College of Computers and Information Technology, Taif University, SA 2015-2016
  • Member of the Evaluation Committee, E-Crimes Awareness Campaign for Women, College of Computers and Information Technology, Taif University, SA 2015-2016



Reading in all different fields of knowledge and sciences, tracking the news in the technology developments, traveling, and watching documentary programs